A man from north Karnataka has taken an agency to court after, paying them money, he changed the 'vaastu' of his home, but it brought him no luck.
The Hindu reports that Mahadev Dudihal, who works with a legal firm, used the Consumer Protection Act against a firm whom he paid Rs ₹11,600 two years ago for advice on remodelling his home for better vaastu so that his three daughters would get married.
However, the report suggests that despite spending a whopping Rs 5 lakh to re-arrange his home, Dudihal's daughters remained unmarried, despite a promise of changes taking place within three to eight months.
Dudihal had contacted the firm after seeing an advertisement on TV.
The Hindu reports that he first filed a case under the Consumer Protection Act, the district forum told him that it did not fall under its purview, so he has now approached the state forum.
Vaastu Shastra, which literally translates to meaning the "science of architecture' is an ancient Hindu method of arranging once home so that it brings good luck. While there are several books and practitioners on it, it does not seem to have any scientific basis.